
Searching for the Sources of the Book of Dzyan – Archives

By admin on March 3, 2014 at 8:56 pm

The quest for the sources of the Book of Dzyan as a public project started before this blog, on another blog, with many contributors. Almost two years of studies were recorded there. This represents a valuable contribution to the project, and it was deemed useful to give access to these records. A compilation of the contributors who created this current blog (The Book of Dzyan) was made, together with a lexical index.
Unfortunately, all these posts were deleted from the first blog, and therefore, all links and references to it will not be active.
The document is available here :    2010-2012 Book of Dzyan Studies

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The Dhâtu – New Subject for Discussion

By admin on March 28, 2012 at 12:01 pm

Among the  Key Concepts to be discussed on this blog, a new one is to start soon.

An introduction was written for this new subject called “Basic Space, the One Element, the dhâtu”.

You can access to it from the Main Menu, by clicking on “Key Subjects” and then on “Dhâtu”.

All following posts will appear under the SD Key Concepts/Dhâtu category.

Have a good reading !

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